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12 products

Citric Acid for dishes & cleaningCitric Acid for dishes & cleaning
Baking sodaBaking soda
Baking soda Sale price7.000 TND
Household soda crystalsHousehold soda crystals
Household soda crystals Sale price8.000 TND
Vegetable spongeVegetable sponge
Vegetable sponge Sale price6.300 TND
Sodium bicarbonate & white vinegar packSodium bicarbonate & white vinegar pack
Sold out
monHero house cleaning packmonHero house cleaning pack
Sold out
Cleaning pack for home cleaningCleaning pack for home cleaning
Sold out
Sodium percarbonate for cleaningSodium percarbonate for cleaning
Sold out
Castile soapCastile soap
Castile soap Sale price15.000 TND
Liquid black soap 100% concentrated with olive oil without perfumeLiquid black soap 100% concentrated with olive oil without perfume
Caramel-scented household liquid black soapCaramel-scented household liquid black soap
Household white vinegarHousehold white vinegar
Household white vinegar Sale price32.000 TND