Plats, Bols, Céramique, Bois d'olivier, Artisanat tunisien, Fait main, Vaisselle, Décoration de table, Art de la table, Service de table, Tebsi, Assiettes, Plats creux, Plats de service

Dishes, bowls

Apportez une touche d'authenticité à votre table avec notre sélection de plats et bols artisanaux tunisiens. En céramique colorée ou en bois d'olivier noble, découvrez des pièces uniques et faites main pour sublimer vos repas.


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16 products

Handcrafted Olive Wood Bowl
Gaya handmade ceramic bowlGaya handmade ceramic bowl
Gaya handmade ceramic bowl Sale price15.000 TND
Ceramic flat plate for dessertCeramic flat plate for dessert
Ceramic flat plate for dessert Sale price15.000 TND
Blue oval ceramic dishBlue oval ceramic dish
Octopod design ceramic soup plateOctopod design ceramic soup plate
olivewood mortar and pestleolivewood mortar and pestle
Tebsi, a traditional ceramic dishTebsi, a traditional ceramic dish
Handmade olive wood bowl
Irregular shaped ceramic bowlIrregular shaped ceramic bowl
Irregular shaped ceramic bowl Sale price25.000 TND
heart shaped oliviwood dish
Green oval ceramic dish for dried fruitsGreen oval ceramic dish for dried fruits
Olive Wood Bowl
Olive Wood Bowl Sale price21.000 TND
Ceramic Plate and 4 Glass CupsCeramic Plate and 4 Glass Cups
Sold out
Gaya handmade ceramic soup plateGaya handmade ceramic soup plate
Sold out
Palm wood trayPalm wood tray
Palm wood tray Sale priceFrom 45.000 TND
Sold out
Blue ceramic flat plateBlue ceramic flat plate
Blue ceramic flat plate Sale price20.000 TND